Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Let’s Talk About Money

Issue 4: 04.08.09

Where does great earning power come from? How can you get your share? Here are two steps to boost your income: We’re concerned about money to the extent that we don’t have it. Money is not bad and it is important. Nothing will take the place of money in the area in which money works.

What is money? Money is the harvest of our production and service. We in turn use it to obtain the production and service of others. It is a good gauge or measure of one’s own level of service. Money brings a great deal more happiness than poverty. We can increase our value to the world. The amount of money we receive will always be in direct ratio to the demand for what we do, our ability to do it, and the difficulty of replacing us. A highly skilled person is worth more than a person who is not highly skilled. Preparation for life is so important. Luck is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity. Opportunity is all around us. Are you prepared? Are you qualified? As a nation we are already rich, far richer than most of the world. How much do you want? The world will pay you exactly what you bargain for. We’ll receive not what we wish for but what we earn. If you don’t like your income you must increase your service. Do more than you’re paid for and you’ll eventually be paid more for what you are doing. Only as we first grow in value as persons will we receive the increased income we seek.

Take two distinct steps: First decide how much money you really want, the exact amount. Second, forget the money and concentrate on improving what you now do. Decide on this years income, on how much you want in savings or investment, and how much you want as retirement income. Now work to match your level of service to that amount. Most people never decide on these three amounts of money. They never write them down. They never work to match their level of service to the desired amount of money. Only 5% of people will do this. It is not achieving a goal that causes difficulty but not setting goals. Chance does not work. Only choice will work. Your choice!

Most people cut back their wants to fit their incomes. They are the majority. The minority makes their incomes fit their wants. Which is best for you? The only limit on your income is you. All you need is a plan, and the courage to press on to your destination. Nothing in the world can stand in the way of a plan backed by persistence and determination. Think of ways to increase your service and income will take care of itself.

Money cannot be sought directly. Like happiness, money is an effect. It is the result of a cause, and the cause is valuable service. Keep money in its proper place. It’s a servant and nothing more. It’s a tool. Do not emphasize money or it will master you. Know what you want, and you will become, you must become what you think about. Now, become the person who is worth the amount of money and reward you have established for yourself. You will only move ahead when you are worth more than you are receiving. Seek to be worth more and income will catch up to your worth. The cause must precede the effect or the effect will not occur. Don’t fool yourself.

Earl Nightingale in "Lead the Field"



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